It is a facial treatment to rejuvenate your skin.
Never let ageing catch up with you!


Sessions needed

3  treatments
3 – 4 weeks apart


Mild/Moderate swelling/redness
12 – 48 hours

Procedure time

45 – 60 minutes


Every 4 – 6 months



Collagen production declines with age, resulting in a loss of volume, creases, and wrinkles.

Natural growth factors found in your blood are used in PRP treatment to promote collagen formation.

In order to restore damaged tissue, your body already produces growth factors, but PRP treatment concentrates them in high amounts for faster healing. 

Crow’s feet, fine lines, and sagging skin can all be efficiently treated using this procedure.

PRP treatment also improves skin texture and tone, reducing blemishes and scars and restoring a healthy glow.

A face to face consultation is the beginning of the journey. The information I collect there is intended to understand your condition and goals better, allowing me to provide you with the most appropriate treatment plan. 

I truly believe that the combination of different treatment techniques leads to the best results. So you will come out with your own and unique treatment plan.





In terms of facial PRP treatment: The Steps


In a PRP treatment, a vial of blood is drawn from your arm in a similar way to that of a standard blood test. Platelets are what we’re looking for because they release growth factors to the tissue.


The procedure involves concentrating on a huge amount of growth factors. A centrifuge machine does the trick by spinning fast to separate fluids of various densities. 

Your blood will split into three layers after a few minutes in the centrifuge: platelet-rich plasma on the upper surface, platelet-poor plasma in the middle and red blood cells in the bottom


A syringe is filled with your own Platelet Rich Plasma, which is then injected into your entire face.


In a facial PRP treatment, the platelets help to change the behaviour of the fibroblast, promoting the formation of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid for a more rejuvenated effect. 

PRP has 5-7 times more platelets than regular blood.

Platelets are the body’s first aid kit when it comes to repairing and rebuilding damaged tissue. 

When the skin is injured the platelets move to the wound site and help to clot the blood.

However, they also send a “shout” to the neighbouring cells (fibroblasts) to start the healing process. 

Platelets also provide vital growth factors that enable regenerated cells to function more effectively. 

The following are the primary growth factors released by these platelets:

  • Epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulates the growth of epidermal cells (the skin’s outer layer) to repair the tissue.
  • Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) aids in the formation of new blood vessels.  A more vascularised tissue receives more oxygen and nutrients, allowing it to function more effectively.
  • Fibroblast growth factor (FGF): Collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid are all made by fibroblasts. FGF supports wound healing by promoting fibroblast proliferation to increase the formation of those components that rebuild the damaged tissue.
  • Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) encourages the formation of new blood vessels. It also controls fibroblast growth and allows them to divide quickly.

    These platelets release growth and healing factors that stimulate and raise the number of reparative stem cells, allowing the new tissue to behave properly.

Although PRP therapy is painless, a topical anaesthetic cream can be used to numb the area to be treated if necessary.

Within three weeks after your PRP treatment, you’ll notice a visible improvement in the texture and tone of your skin. Your collagen might take up to three months to fully regenerate.

Results might vary depending on the individual, so it’s important to clarify what you’re hoping to achieve during your consultation. However, after completing a course of four PRP treatments, most patients’ results last up to 24 months. You can also keep the results going with touch-up treatments (every 3-6 months).

Many people tolerate PRP treatment very well since the treatment is natural and no foreign substances are used.