Getting rid of your skin issues is one step closer


Sessions needed

4 – 6 treatments


Very little/none

Procedure time

75 minutes including numbing cream


Every 4 – 6 months

What’s Microneedling?

Collagen loss is common as people age or due to traumas such as acne scars or stretch marks. 

Microneedling is a cosmetic technique that includes using a device with needles to create tiny wounds. 

I use a professional Microneedling device that creates micro-injuries to the epidermis and dermis

The body uses collagen and new tissue to repair these microscopic wounds, smoothing out wrinkles from the inside out

As a consequence of this regeneration process, the skin becomes smoother, firmer, and has a more uniform tone and texture overall.

Usually, the face is the most common area to have Microneedling done, but it may also be performed on other areas such as the stomach or legs. 

Microneedling has the advantage of being less costly than laser treatments, and it may help with issues like:

Acne scars

Large pores

Fine lines and wrinkles


Stretch marks


Sun damage

Hair loss

Active solutions containing powerful vitamins, antioxidants, Hyaluronic Acid, and other rich nutrients for your skin are introduced via the microchannels created by the Microneedling pen to enhance the treatment’s results.

The market for at-home Microneedling devices has lately become saturated. 

The needle size is the main difference between these devices and a professional tool. 

The home version is designed to help your cosmetic products to penetrate slightly deeper rather than enter the skin dermis (the area where collagen is produced).

At-home Microneedling devices are painless and do not require an anaesthetic cream. Still, because they do not penetrate deeper layers, they do not encourage collagen production, so wrinkles, scars, and other imperfections do not improve.

The fact that these devices are difficult to clean raises the danger of infection or damage.

However, they help to increase the skin’s brightness and evenness.

I am not against these gadgets; in fact, I believe they are beneficial. They are simply used for different things.


A face to face consultation is the beginning of the journey. The information I collect there is intended to understand your conditions and goals better, allowing me to provide you with the most appropriate treatment plan. 

I also believe the combination of techniques gets the best results. So you will come out with your own and unique treatment plan.

In terms of Microneedling treatment:


A numbing cream is administered to avoid feeling the needle pricks.


Then, I use a pen-shaped device with tiny needles to glide across the treatment area.  The pinpricks are so small that you won’t feel any pain when the numbing cream wears off.


The skin becomes more or less red, depending on the depth of the treatment and feels quite warm.


Microneedling is not a painful procedure, although deep treatments can be unpleasant. I use a topical anaesthetic to numb the skin, making the treatment very pleasant and painless for you.

There is still no pain when the numbing cream goes off; however, the area becomes quite warm and red like a sunburn.

At-home rollers are considerably less effective than professional Microneedling. 

Even with a professional approach, several sessions are necessary to achieve the desired result. 

Your skin regenerates new tissue pretty fast after Microneedling, so you should experience improvements within a couple of weeks. 

But, because Microneedling involves the formation of new skin, it is important to understand that it is not an immediate results-driven procedure. 

The full effect of the treatment may take several months to be seen.

Since the skin is living tissue, every person’s skin is unique and reacts differently. The same thing happens in terms of how long the results of Microneedling treatment lasts. 

It relies on a variety of circumstances that we will discuss during your consultation. 

Results might last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months after your course of treatments is completed, depending on how many sessions you receive. 

Maintenance is required every six months due to the irreversible nature of the ageing process.

There is no downtime with this minimally invasive treatment.

Generally, it’s considered safe for those who are in good health overall.

Mild redness, irritation, and discomfort may occur shortly after the treatment, but you can continue your normal routine. 

During the first few days, some people use concealing makeup to hide the redness.

Sunscreen is essential since your skin will be more sensitive to the sun.